The image can be a Magick Image or a torch Tensor, in which case it is expected to have [..., H, W] shape, where ... means an arbitrary number of leading dimensions.

transform_pad(img, padding, fill = 0, padding_mode = "constant")



A magick-image, array or torch_tensor.


(int or tuple or list): Padding on each border. If a single int is provided this is used to pad all borders. If tuple of length 2 is provided this is the padding on left/right and top/bottom respectively. If a tuple of length 4 is provided this is the padding for the left, right, top and bottom borders respectively.


(int or str or tuple): Pixel fill value for constant fill. Default is 0. If a tuple of length 3, it is used to fill R, G, B channels respectively. This value is only used when the padding_mode is constant. Only int value is supported for Tensors.


Type of padding. Should be: constant, edge, reflect or symmetric. Default is constant. Mode symmetric is not yet supported for Tensor inputs.

  • constant: pads with a constant value, this value is specified with fill

  • edge: pads with the last value on the edge of the image

  • reflect: pads with reflection of image (without repeating the last value on the edge) padding [1, 2, 3, 4] with 2 elements on both sides in reflect mode will result in [3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2]

  • symmetric: pads with reflection of image (repeating the last value on the edge) padding [1, 2, 3, 4] with 2 elements on both sides in symmetric mode will result in [2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3]